The controversal heath care bill comes before the U.S. Supreme Court to test the legality of the government sponsored bill. Two thirds of people surveyed dislike the mandate, even Democrats a majority 53 percent opposed the requirement.

In the governments brief defending the constitutionality of the health care law; “As a class, the uninsured consumed $116  billion of health care services in 2008; in 2008 people without insurance did not pay for 63 percent of their health care costs.”

Congress found that this cost-shifting increased the average premium for insured families by more than $1,000 a year.And people are blaming the government for these increased instead of putting the blame on the current system and still fight the proposed help because they don’t want the government running their lives?

For more than $1,000 a year I think I would allow a little government help. In other words, those worried about having to pay every-higher premiums should be clamoring for the individual mandate, not agitating for repeal.

Most of the opposition as I suspected comes from the 80 percent if non-elderly Americans who already have insurance, either through their employers, government programs, or purchased on their own. Screw everyone else, sorry for your loss.

I have good health care from my government retirement job, pay very little each month, so I fall under the 80 percent who already have insurance and shouldn’t give a rip about others I guess, but I do; to me to be opposed to health insurance defies  reason.

In part, hostility to the mandate reflects a broader uneasiness with perceived big government encroachment. But opposition to the mandate also stems from the public’s failure to understand-or, alternatively, the administration’s failure to communicate basic facts. 

A survey found that when people were told that most Americans “would automatically satisfy the requirement because they already have coverage through their employers,” favorability toward the mandate nearly doubled, to 61 percent.

Favorable attitudes rose to nearly half when people were told that without the mandate, insurance companies would still be allowed to deny coverage to those who are sick; that without the mandate people wold wait until they were sick to purchase insurance, driving up premium costs, or that those unable to afford coverage are exempt.

Bottom line: people don’t understand how the man date works at all and they don’t understand why it’s there.

I say before you shoot down the bill, give it a chance. It may not be a perfect bill, but I bet it’s better than the alternative; higher insurance costs.


  1. LOL, should I even be the one to start the responses on this issue? The current president of the United States engineered it! That is reason enough to oppose it !!!!!

    • Apparently you do not have a blog; if comments come through on World Press, which apparently is your search engine, I have to hit the approval button, all other sites post automaticly. Sorry, I do have a life and do leave the house now and then. I’m not glued to this damn machine for your convienience. I bowled today from 11:00 until 1:15. Your post was submitted 1:15. If I go away for a longer time and don’t take my computer, I won’t be able to post your response while others will show on the blog.

  2. Frank- I understand your point, and agree that change is needed. However, as someone who actually read every page of the 1400 plus pages of the bill, I vehemently disagree with the content and structure of this massive piece of cobbled together legislation. It was rushed, not well researched and shoved down the throats of everyone in a hurry- in my opinion to help the president to make good on his campaign promises. While his heart may be in the right place, his brain was not engaged in this rush to action. Why was there such a rush to develop one of the most massive and far reaching pieces of law in this country’s history?

    The factors which have brought us to this point in our cultural and economic evolution are extremely complex and addressing our needs without significant study, dialog and examination of the possible repercussions was and is, foolhardy. Examination of what went wrong in Massachusetts’ healthcare endeavor would have been an excellent starting point, but that was not looked at as the “skull by the watering hole” caution it should have been. That system proved to be inefficient, ineffective and has resulted in acute shortages in the providers of the kind of healthcare services that are truly needed – GP and family medicine. This bill will do the same thing. ( I’d even be willing to take a side bet on that)

    Facets of the legislation that deal with smart, quick remedies like pre-existing conditions and denials and some of the high handed tactics by insurers- well, those would have been the kinds of actions that could and should have been implemented quickly. As in already. But they are lumped in with an astounding number of rules, guidelines and standards that even on second reading are mind boggling.

    i fear that we will see a major (for the worse) change in the kind of innovations and state of the art healthcare for critical needs that we do- rich and poor alike, enjoy in this country and that the pervasive “dumbing down” we see in other areas of our society will soon be the norm in healthcare.

    And the real kicker? Well, that is the monster bureau which will be created to oversee and administer this program. The price tag on that little department was at one point esimated at around $74 million annually I believe. After reading the bill, I think that is low. Ouch! There were, and are, better ways to improve health care services and access for Americans. We need a little time and experts who are not politicians to do that. This bill? This ain’t it.

    • Lynda thanks for your letter; I have chuckled to see some of my friends jump on your band wagon because you said what they wanted to hear. I’m sure you are sincere in your writing, and I take you for your word you read all 1400 pages; don’t know your political afflication, whether you are part of the medical, or drug parties, but I have always said the bill is not perfect, it is a start, and as Brian said and may people in this country say, we need a change in healthcare becasuse it is killing our economy, but it is not as negative a bill as you write and it will not break the backs of the country.
      Not having read the etire bill I know there are good points in the bill such as a child can stay on their parents insurance until they are 26; no one can be denied coverage from previous medical disorders and I’m sure you kow of a few more positive features of the bill.
      You seem inteligent enough to realize as I stated in my post, we who are insured are picking up the tab now for those uninsured; hospitals are being crippled by uncollectable charges. If you see this situition getting any better and you have a better plan please share them with us on this blog.
      Thanks again for your comments; you have made Wootten and Trivits day!

      • You have known me long enough that I hope you will take me at my word- if not, then I am doing something wrong! As for party affiliation, right now I don’t claim either one. I am not part of any medical or drug parties, although I do serve on the board of a non profit hospital. I don’t claim or represent myself as speaking on its behalf- to be honest, we have no idea how this is going to affect us or any other hospital specifically, so to step forward and try to say I do would be dishonest.
        I do recognize there are excellent provisions in the bill, as I noted in my examples of the denials of coverage, pre existing conditions, etc, and those as I noted, are things that could have already been implemented. Insurance companies would be impacted and would definitely have to tighten their belts, but that is obvious. What is not obvious to some folks is that this part of the bill will also impact millions of Americans whose investment and retirement plans are heavily invested in the stock ( including mutual funds) of those same insurance companies, among them unions, state and municipal employees and small business owners and small investors.

        As with any new regulation, guess who ends up footing the bill? Unfortunately, many times, the same people the law is trying to help. That isnt a reason not to make the big companies do the right thing, its just another illustration that you don’t get something for nothing, there’s no free lunch and for every action, there is a ripple or reaction in the market somewhere that forces change and adaptation. In my mind, its always better if you can at least plan for that so that it does not slap you when you least expect it and are unprepared for it. I am just not a big fan of the “throw it against the wall and see if it will stick” school of business. As far as working through the missteps in the bill- given the lack of bipartisan cooperation in Congress, that will be like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube –with the cap on.

        Frank, next time we do lunch, how ’bout I bring my copy of this puppy and we can talk about it. I respect your opinion, really want to know, but moreover, am trying to find some bright spots in the inevitable.

  3. Wow, a bases loaded walk off homerun Lynda. Thanks for the time and effort that you have put into this. It is by far the best capsule analysis I’ve seen of Obamacare and shoots down the argument that the only two options are Obamacare or higher insurance costs.

  4. THANK YOU, LYNDA! Great work! Sort of justifies the feelings of those like myself who knew that this was a bad thing but just did not have the time to figure out what !! Greatly appreciate your effort! Again, Thank You !!!

  5. my daughter has a rare and incurable disease called buhcets. except for 1 dr. in new york, the rest of her many physicians have had to ‘learn on the job’ as they try to help her. because of the lack of research in the states, little is known or understood by any type of insurance. when she had insurance with hartford her medication was reasonable. but the wonderful hartford insurance co. determined that she would be dropped. no amount of medical information sent to them would change their ignorant minds. her doctors have notebooks filled with info about her condition. hartford’s argument was that they photographed her walking to her mailbox and fishing off her dock, therefore they deemed her capable of working a full time job. a new med. prescribed by a neurologist for vasculitis in her brain cost over 400 dollars a month from walgreens. the medicine she really needs would cost over 1000 a month. she can’t get it. there must be many people in this boat. a friend with the same disease in england gets all meds. from their government provided health care system. i don’t know details except that yearly she is reviewed for continue coverage. MY GIRL AND MANY OTHERS NEED SOMETHING DONE NOW. ENOUGH QUIBBLING AND POLITICAL CRAP. PEOPLE’S LIVES ARE AT STAKE. anyone that knows how i could contact someone real important at hartford and register my anger, let me know.

    • Carol Brian makes a good point asking you to call the Ins. Commishioners office; I too have had a lot of success calling them, or threatening the insurance companies that I would call. They don’t like being investigated.

  6. I really can’t expand on anything else that Lynda explained except to agree that I could not understand the sense of urgency to get the bill passed and also felt it was crammed down our throats. I was so upset by that and the fact that it went against the will of the majority of the American people that I changed my party affiliation a few days later. Pelosi said “we have to pass the bill to see whats in it”. How can any business survive with that philosophy? I also agree the health care system needs major overhaul, I have a friend whose daughter is being treated at AI Dupont. The drug used in her treatment while widely used in pediatric care is not considered an approved treatment per BCBS. They have spent hours on the phone to get this resolved. Had they been on medicaid everything would be paid no questions asked (his words not mine). I have spent years trying to make young potential employees see the value of health care insurance in perspective to “take home pay”, It’s often a hard sell. Carol, my thoughts and prayers go to you and your daughter. Have you spoken to the Insurance commissioners office? My daughter had an issue and they were a huge help to her.

    • yes brian we have. a lady in the insurance commissioners office handled it, to no avail. my daughters only recourse was to hire a lawyer and try to fight. well, if u can’t afford your medicine, how can u afford a lawyer? better yet, how can u possibly win against such a large conglomerate? the statute of limitations has now passed. she has a bad taste in her mouth now, having been watched, videoed, and pictures taken of her house, yard, and her family. how dare they. if there was ever an honest need for insurance, she was it. her doctors sent requested information pleading her case, but somehow there are people in high places at hartford that know more about buhcets than all the many doctors she has come across. they need to make themselves available to hopkins and nyu hospitals so they can clear up this horrible disease!!! sorry, it just makes me boil.

  7. No I didn’t know it was you; had i known I would have suspected your partner in crime would have given you wrong information. I thought we went over some of the good points during our last chat. I don’t look at the bill as people getting something for nothing; everyone pays an affordable amount. Since I left your board when Medicare was being cut under the first Bush, unpaids have grown at least 10-fold. Who’s paying for that $5 aspirin and those exhorbant medical costs that those non-paids reveive the same as you and I. Obama has begged for a better plan to come forth from the critics; no one has even attempted.
    This may be ‘a throw it against the wall bill and see if it sticks’ as you put it”, but if some of it sticks, then i say it’s better than what we have now.
    Show me another way that’s better; I can change, I just want the escalating costs of healthcare to slow.
    Have a good one!

  8. Again, the main problem exists; why do a bill, get it passed, know that it is not exactly right and then take the next 60 or so years correcting it. Just monitor the insurance companies, continue to give away the farm and work on a bill that will solve the issues. I personally do not get it. Other countries have proven that government controlled health care does not work. Oh sh… crap, I forgot it is the federal government we are dealing with, it is meant to be screwed up !!!!

  9. John name me one president with the exception of Clinton who has tried health reform in your lifetime? Insurance companies with their multi-million dollar lawyer lobbyists control elected officials as does the medical and drug company. You have a president who is willing to stand up for what you want and you fight him. Just don’t get it, frustrates the hell out of me. The middle class where most bills affect fight those who try to help, and yes John that is the government. Who else is there to educate your child, build your roads, give help to the elderly? Darn if I’ve seen anyone step up to the plate,
    I guess that’s why we are what’s left of the middle class; we’re dumb!!!!!!
    Haven’t you been reading post from those who can’t get insurance because of preexisting contidions, or who can’t afford insurance and are in hock up to their heads and will never repay their medical bills. Don’t you have anyu compassion for these millions of people. And most of these people have been proven to have jobs so don’t tell me they are lazy.

  10. Frank I am not saying that we don’t need a better health care system or better control over the insurance companies. And, yes there are people who need and deserve help. But a Government controlled health care system just opens a huge can of worms for every broke, non-working hypochondriac in the country to abuse and take advantage of us that work and pay. And I beliere that there is no more middle class and can assure that I am not in the upper class. When ever I think about the Government running anything the first thing that comes to my mind is the United States Postal Service. Need I say more.

  11. In the end no matter what the subject it comes down to accountability. Our lawmakers are no longer being held accountable by their constituents.

  12. If nothing else from all of the discussion here and on the news, I think that I have learned more about the Healthcare bill. Have also learned that it is more strongly and widely opposed than I thought. I still think that it will be upheld and we will all suffer! Unfortunately there is a lot at stake here and it will be decided by just 9 out of 300 million people. I want a vote !!!!!!!!

  13. Just something to think on:

    If this health care plan is so great, why isn’t the president bringing it up on the re-election campaign? If this plan is so great then this should be the platform for four more years. Just asking.

      • Dy he’s waiting for the Court to strike it down so he can campaign on lack of health coverage and the Republicans unwillingness to do something about it, that he at least tried; Courts strike this down, Obama is a winner, they don’t and the Republicans have a campaign issue they will remove the bill if they are in power. Obama is probably praying for a loss to the Supreme Court. Bet you didn’t think of that one Wootten?

  14. The current presidents health care plan is going to be upheld. Don’t know what everyone else is hesring but the lamestream media says that it is concensus that this morons healthcare bill is upheld and the working class just suffers more!!!!

  15. The current presidents health care plan is going to be upheld. Don’t know what everyone else is hearing but the lamestream media says that it is concensus that this morons healthcare bill is upheld and the working class just suffers more!!!! And yes Frank I have been thinking about that one for a while. He loses health care and it will be “oh woe is me” I tried to get all of the worthless. lazy, non-working people free healthcare but the bad ol supreme court shot it down. oh poor you and me !!!!!

  16. You knew more than I did, never heard that from him. You probably knew it before David did. You know his mother is a classmate of ours? Guess great minds travel in the same circle.

  17. Here is the deal: we are all going to pay more and get less. Workers and their employees will pay more and they will try to pass costs on, government expenses will rise and they will increase taxes and then they will cut retirees benefits (the calio factor).Bottom line too much demand and not enough cash to fund it. By the way- tell me again why congress and President Obama does not participate in this system

  18. I am trying to be unbiased about the healthcare hearings and what is being reported from the Supreme Court hearings. From what I am listening to the battle seems to be more about The Constitutionality of the Bill and the fact the Majority (72% according to Gallup) are against this bill, not healthcare itself. It also appears that the court is split, 4 conservatives, 4 liberals and one who does not know what they are. I wish that it was not like this! Why can’t someone feel about weather something is right or wrong, why do they have to slant one way or another because of a party or a cause. I believe that we do need healthcare(not controlled by the Government) but I would rather this issue be voted down because it is unconstsiutional and the Majority are against it. Some people just think that the answer to everything is to”let the government take it over. Why don’t we let the Government control all funerals from now on. It’s no different from healthcare, sooner or later everyone is going to have to have it and if the Government is in control thay can have all the worries and take over the expense of burial. Maybe they could even tax us if we don’t die, just like they will tax us if we don’t buy healthcare! Just sayin…………..

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